Have you ever been addicted to some particular things in this world? If you are very keen on collecting a car toy, you may love to see the most collectible hot wheels that you will surely love to add one of them to our collection list, or you will even add all of them to the collection of your car toys. If you are willing to spend your money for your advanced collection, it is very worth to spend much money to buy the special car toys from the hot wheel brand. Do not in a rush to decide, you need to see all the types of the car toys from the hot wheel brand, and you can check this video list to help to decide which one that is matched with your taste. 


The Most Collectible Hot Wheels

Now is the time for you to get know in detail about the types and the series of the car toys from the hot wheel brand that is very worth for money. The first one is 1970 Ed Shaver Custom AMX, this series of the car toy from the hot wheel brand is the most wanted by the all fans, with the more characteristic design of the car toys which makes this one is very the most collectible car from hot wheel, and if you love this toy and want to have it, you need to spend your money around 4000 dollars. The next one is will be in the same year, the 1971 Mad Maverick Base Mighty Maverick also be the most wanted car toy, because this car is very special and only made for 5 car toys, this one is very limited, you need to grab it fast and this series of the hot wheel car toy is very worth for 5000 dollars.

Hot Wheel Most Collectible Cars

Here we go in the last part of the discussion of the most collectible hot wheels, we are still continuing the discussion about it by giving you the next most collectible car such as the 1974 Blue Rodger Dodger which the car toy is very amusing and enchanting with the flame design and the blue color combination makes the car is very good and worth to be collected, if you are very fond on this series, you need to spend your money around 8000 dollars, it is a serious amount of money that you need to think carefully before you decide to buy and collect it. And guest what?.Did You Know This is Rarest Hot Wheels in The World ?